Contest Description:
"Students often report that international and intercultural experiences can be transformative. This video contest is one way to demonstrate that transformation. For this contest, you are to submit a video that combines the art of telling a story with visual images and an audio soundtrack that answers the following question: How have your cultural interactions on campus, abroad, or in the United States re-defined your world views? How have they changed you or the way you see the world?"

After spending a semester studying and working in San Francisco, I decided to enter this contest to create a visual display of the transformation I went through during my trip. This video shows how I have learned to fully immerse myself into experiences and truly be in the moment to appreciate the memories and connections I am making. 

UPDATE: 11/18/2018
I was awarded the Grand Prize Winner of this contest. The link showing my work and more details on the context of this contest can be found here:

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